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package com.example.saml; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import jp.co.intra_mart.common.platform.log.Logger; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.context.Contexts; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.job_scheduler.Job; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.job_scheduler.JobResult; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.job_scheduler.JobSchedulerContext; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.job_scheduler.annotation.Parameter; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.job_scheduler.annotation.Parameters; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.job_scheduler.exception.JobExecuteException; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.saml.mapping.SAMLMappingManager; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.saml.mapping.entity.ImsamlUserMapping; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.saml.mapping.exception.IdpNotExistException; import jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.service.client.file.PublicStorage; public final class SamlMappingImporterJob implements Job { private static String PATH_KEY = "path"; private static String PROV_ID = "prov_id"; public SamlMappingImporterJob() { } @Override @Parameters({@Parameter(key = "prov_id", value = ""),@Parameter(key = "path", value = "saml_mapping.csv")}) public JobResult execute() throws JobExecuteException { final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(); // ジョブスケジューラコンテキスト取得 final JobSchedulerContext jobSchedulerContext = Contexts.get(JobSchedulerContext.class); // パラメータの取得(prov_id) String provId = jobSchedulerContext.getParameter(PROV_ID); if (null == provId) { // 処理結果:異常 return JobResult.error("prov_id not found."); } provId = provId.trim(); if (provId.isEmpty()) { // 処理結果:異常 return JobResult.error("prov_id id Empty."); } // パラメータの取得(path) String path = jobSchedulerContext.getParameter(PATH_KEY); if (null == path) { // 処理結果:異常 return JobResult.error("path is not found."); } path = path.trim(); if (path.isEmpty()) { // 処理結果:異常 return JobResult.error("path is empty."); } // ファイルを取得とチェック final PublicStorage storage = new PublicStorage(path); try { if (!storage.exists()) { // 処理結果:異常 return JobResult.error(String.format("File not found.(%s)", path)); } } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMessage = String.format("Can not read the file.(%s)", path); logger.error(errorMessage, e); return JobResult.error(errorMessage); } // インポート処理 BufferedReader reader = null; int totalCount = 0; int insertCount = 0; int updateCount = 0; int skipCount = 0; final SAMLMappingManager manager = new SAMLMappingManager(); try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(storage.open())); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { try { String[] record = line.split(",", 2); if (record.length == 2) { record[0] = record[0].trim(); record[1] = record[1].trim(); final ImsamlUserMapping mapping = manager.find(provId, record[0]); if (mapping != null) { // 更新 manager.update(provId, record[0], record[1], mapping.getProvUserCd(), mapping.getUserCd()); updateCount++; } else { // 新規追加 manager.insert(provId, record[0], record[1]); insertCount++; } } else { logger.warn(String.format("Skip for invalid format.(%s)", line)); skipCount++; } } catch (IdpNotExistException e) { String errorMessage = String.format("prov_id not found.(%s)", provId); logger.error(errorMessage, e); return JobResult.error(errorMessage); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = String.format("Skip for import error.(%s)", line); logger.warn(errorMessage, e); skipCount++; } totalCount++; } } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMessage = String.format("Can not read the file.(%s)", path); logger.error(errorMessage, e); return JobResult.error(errorMessage); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMessage = String.format("Can not close the file.(%s)", path); logger.error(errorMessage, e); return JobResult.error(String.format("Can not close the file.(%s)", path)); } } } final String message = String.format("Success import.( total:%d / insert:%d / update:%d / skip:%d )", totalCount, insertCount, updateCount, skipCount); return JobResult.success(message); } } |